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Team - Brunswick Dental Practice


Apprentice Dental Nurse

We’re thrilled to welcome Jen to our team on her new career path as an Apprentice Dental Nurse! Jen brings with her a wealth of experience, having spent 7 incredible years teaching preschool in Japan.

Jen has a passion for traveling. Her dream is to visit every country in Europe! Jen discovered a love for origami during her time in Japan!

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Summer Smiles

Caring For Your Childs Teeth

Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Strategies for a Stress-Free Visit

Quit Smoking for a Healthier Smile: Your Stoptober Guide

National Gum Care Month

Brighten Your Smile: 7 Things To Know Before Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

National Smile Month

Dentures Vs Implants

Dental Implant Hygiene

Love Your Smile

Mind the gap

Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

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